Konkylie, Krabbeklo & Musling
The proposal Konkylie, Krabbeklo & Musling was selected as one of the winners in the Open Call for art in public spaces and outdoor areas associated with kindergartens in Oslo, a competition organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Oslo Municipality and UKS. The project is to be completed at Rødtvet in Oslo in 2021, with support from The Norwegian Concrete Association.
Prosjekt Konkylie, Krabbeklo & Musling ble kåret til en av vinnerne i den åpne idekonkurranse for kunst i offentlig rom og friområder tilknyttet barnehager i Oslo. Konkurransen ble organisert av Kulturetaten i Oslo kommune og UKS. Installasjonen er planlagt ferdigstilt på Rødtvet i Oslo i løpet av 2021, med støtte fra Norsk Betongforening NB.
Juryens uttalelse:
“Kristine Øksendals skulpturer fungerer både som abstrakte former og konkret som overdimensjonerte havelementer: Konkylie, krabbeklo og musling. Det lekende formspråket i disse tre verkerskaper et sterk visuelt spill for det generelle publikum. Skulpturene klarer dermed på en overbevisende måte å overføre den kreative energien fra kunstnerens atelier til en dynamisk opplevelse i uterom. Samtidig gir de tre skulpturene anledning til klatring, lek og annen aktivitet – blant annet fordi alle tre vil ha tegninger på innsiden. Disse tegningene kan oppdages av et «mindre» publikum, som kan kravle og kikke inn i skulpturenes hemmelige hulrom.”
All images by Kristine Øksendal, copyright 2021
Bohemian Waxwing - 2016
by Kristine Øksendal
QuickTime ProRes 422 HQ, 3 min 21 sec. 2016
© Kristine Øksendal 2016
Glacialis, Viscaria, and Viscaria, watercolours, 76 x 56 cm, 2014
© Kristine Øksendal 2014
In The Face Of Form - 2014
by Kristine Øksendal
Quicktime ProRes 422 HQ, 3 min 25 sec, loop, 2014
Soundtrack by Are Mokkelbost
© Kristine Øksendal 2014
SONATE - 2013
Soloexhibition at Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway, 2013
by Kristine Øksendal
In my sonate I explore a wordless performative approach to physical movement in space, in painting, film and choreography.
Monumental paintings were produced parallel to the film Sonate (2013). The paintings are all made by spraying tempera-paint over objects found in the streets of Oslo, creating an analogue print on the canvas.
The choreography is based on predetermined guidelines combined with improvisation and mirrors the hidden process of painting at my studio. The recorded sound of the dancers at work adds a stripped down soundtrack to the film.
The exhibition catalogue includes the essay: “It is the absolute zero point she is working for in her sonata!” by Knut Ove Arntzen, Professor of theater studies at the University of Bergen.
Installation view: Trafo Kunsthall, Asker, Norway, May 2013
On display:
Untitled (Yellow), tempera on canvas, 220 x 170 cm, 2013
Untitled I, II, tempera on canvas, 220 x 170cm, 2013
Untitled, mixed media, 129 x 96 cm, 2013
Video installation, Sonate, video loop, Trafo Kunsthall, 2013
Film stills, Sonate, HD video loop, 2013
all photos © Kristine Øksendal 2013
Shortfilm - 2013
by Kristine Øksendal
In the film SONATE (2013) physical action replace narrative structure as two dancers perform a choreography. The body is treated both as artistic material and active producer of movement and sound.
Quicktime ProRes 422 HQ
6 min 10 sec, 2013
Cinematography: Marte Vold
Installation view: Fotogalleriet Oslo, 2014
© Kristine Øksendal 2013
Exhibition project 2011
Choreography and paintings
by Kristine Øksendal
Performance by Magnus Myhr
Venue: Project space, Cort Adelersgate 33, Oslo, December 2011
"You possess a rare light which, in the 20 years I have been researching Humans, no Human have ever exhibited to me. Because of this light, now that I am no longer researching Humans, I accept from you the Sun and the Sea"
A. Artaud
The project explores parallel issues within the history of modern theatre, dance and abstract painting: ideas of utopia, individual freedom in relation to movement and concept as a starting point for gestures.
For this project there was produced a choreography for a live performance in collaboration with Norwegian dancer Magnus Myhr. Key element for this choreography is sonic material from the paining process transferred into dance.
The paintings are all made by spraying paint over found objects, these objects were later used as props in the performance.
The work refers to early European avant-garde, where painting and sculpture were combined with performance and sound-art.
on display:
Textual Proletar, choreography performed by Magnus Myhr, 15 min, 2011
Untitled, ink on paper, 70 x 50 cm, 2011
Proletarian Blue, tempera on canvas, 200 x 145 cm, 2011
Textual Proletar, choreography performed by Magnus Myhr, 15 min, 2011
Proletarian Diagonals, tempera on canvas, 190 x 140 cm, 2011
© Kristine Øksendal 2011
Installation view, Project space in Cort Adelers gt 33, Oslo, 2011
by Kristine Øksendal
Homage to Martha # 3, watercolour and acrylic on paper, 73 x 53 cm, 2008
Homage to Martha # 1, watercolour and acrylic on paper, 73 x 53 cm, 2008
Homage to Martha # 2, watercolour and acrylic on paper, 64 x 50 cm, 2008
© Kristine Øksendal 2008